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Real Estate

Aerial Photos: Matt Lauer's Water Mill Horse Farm Comes Together

See the progress of Lauer's Edge of Woods Horse Farm.

The construction of "Today" host Matt Lauer's horse farm is well underway in Water Mill.

Aerial photos illustrate the state of the project in December 2012.

The Sag Harbor Express reported in May 2012 that Lauer's Edge of Woods Horse Farm is slated to include two 34,000-square-foot outdoor riding rings, a 23,940 square-foot-indoor riding ring, and a 17,455-square-foot barn with space for up to 36 horses.

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According to The Express, the 30.3-acre property is a preserve, after Southampton Town purchased the development rights for $3.6 million in 2005, when it was known as Frankenbach’s Deerfield Nursery.

A number of Water Mill residents fought the horse farm plan, on the basis that it was a large project on preserved land, but it was ultimately approved, as a horse farm was a permitted use.

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